Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Out of town trip

I had to make my first out-of-town trip since we got Reilly. I was so worried that he would not handle it well. I think my husband thought I was going to worry myself sick. I called Rick at least every hour or two to check on how Reilly was doing. Of course, he handled it much better than I did. Rick said a couple of times he would go look for me and sit down and whine for a few seconds, but for the most part he was right as rain! Little stinker.

I arrived home late last night and he was extremely excited to see me. He was sweet and loving and insisted on sitting practically on top of me for a good 45 minutes. I have posted some pictures Rick took and sent to me while I was on the road. I think he looks extremely distraught, don't you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

TERRIBLY distraught, LOL.