Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reilly Raw

The firsts continue. Reilly had his first 100% raw meal today. Rick and I have been researching diets and have finally decided that we think the best thing for Reilly is to move to a raw diet. We are going to feed 1 meal kibble and 1 meal raw for about the next month and them move to a 100% raw. I have included a picture of that meal here.

He also got to play with a new friend, Tilly, at our favorite place The Wholesome Hound! Tilly was extremely fast, so Reilly had some trouble keeping up. Enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous said...

Good good good......

heavenlyfila said...

Reilly, I want you to know that I had tons of fun playing with you today. Mom says that I was soooo good cause I slept the whole way home! And I have managed to stay out of trouble all nite! Oh and your mom needs to get that tripe for you! It is SO YUMMY! Mom says it is good for pups! I dont know if it is good for me but I sure love it! That will be my breakfast in the morning! I saw it in the refrige!

Your friend Tilly!